Total Durood Shareefs:
Total Durood Shareefs this month:

We need your help!
We are looking for 10.000,000 people to recite Sayyeduna Kareemun sullulla ho alaihi Wassalam 100 times a day every day.
How can you help?
You can help in any or all of the three ways.
- Choose and fix an amount of Durood Shareef you can recite yourself comfortably every day.
- Invite your family members and friends to do the same and so on ....
- Spread the word through mouth, e-mail, text messaging, facebook, twitter and social networking.
How can we achieve our target individually?
People | Duroods a Day | Total |
10,000,000 | x 100 | 1 Billion |
1,000,000 | x 1000 | 1 Billion |
How much time will it take to recite the durood?
Duroods a Day | Time (approximately) |
100 | 3 minutes |
1,000 | 25 minutes * |
* Note: the more you recite the faster you become
How much time do you have available in a day?
Allah Subhanahu Tallah gives us 24 hours a day
That is 1,440 minutes a day or
86,400 seconds every day!!
Don't squander it. Instead invest it wisely for your akhira!! Surely finding 3 minutes a day from the time HE gives us cannot be difficult?
What is the reward?
The Prophet (SAW) said:
"On the day of judgement the person closest to me will be the one who has sent the most Durood unto me." [Tirmidhi]
In another hadith Rasoolallah (SAW) narrates that once Hazrat Jibraeel (AS), Hazrat Mikaeel (AS), Hazrat Israfeel (AS) and Hazrat Izraeel (AS) came into my presence.
Hazrat Jibraeel (AS) said that whoever sends Durood on you 10x Ya Rasoolullah (SAW) (on the day of judgement) I will hold his hand and make him cross the bridge of Pulsirat like lightening. The Pulsirat is the bridge which everyone has to cross to go to jannat.
Hazrat Mikaeel (AS) stated whoever sends Durood 10x on you Ya Rasoolullah (SAW) I will make sure he drinks from the fountain of Al-Kawsar. Al-kawsar is the fountain which belongs to Rasoolallah (SAW).
Hazrat Israfeel (AS) said whoever sends Durood 10x on you Ya Rasoolullah (SAW) I will fall in to sajdah and will not get up until Allah the Almighty grants him forgiveness.
Hazrat Izraeel (AS) said when the time comes to take his soul, I will take it in the same way as I take the souls of the Prophets (AS).
Guaranteed Acceptance:
Your namaz, your Hajj, your zakat, your dua and your other religious duties may or may not get accpeted. There is no guarantee. However, Allah due to His love for the Holy Prophet (SAW) never rejects any salutations upon the Holy Prophet (SAW) even if done to show off. There will be a separate punishment for showing off but your Durood Shareef is still accepted. This is how much He loves His Habib (SAW).
Allahumma Salley ala Sayyedina Muhammadin wa ala alay Sayyedina wa Moulana Muhammadin wa barik wa sullum . Brothers & sisters read Durood shareef loudly on to Rasoolullah (SAW).
Allahumma Salley ala Sayyedina Muhammadin wa ala alay Sayyedina wa Moulana Muhammadin wa barik wa sullum.
Consider It Important!!
- Please make sure you recite your Durood Shareef with full love.
- Recite it consistently.
- Recite your chosen amount every day.
- Please update your website account before sunset every day so that we can keep up to date with the daily and the collective running total.
What to do next?
- Open an account on the website if you wish for yourself today.
- Start reciting the Durood Shareef!
- Invite every single member of your family and friends to do the same.
- Ask your friends to invite their friends and their family members as well.