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99.9 families out of 100 suffer from stress and anxiety. To end the pandemic, suffering and stress throughout the world we have started a campaign to recite one billion
Durood Shareefs on our holy prophet (SAW) per day every day. We need 10,000,000 (one Crore) people to recite this Durood Shareef a minimum of 100 times a day every day and record it on this site. Can you join and invite others to join?
Please share:
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Enter your Durood Shareefs:
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Create an account to track your monthly Durood Shareefs. This optional - you can use this website anonymously if you wish.
Purpose of reading Durood Shareef:
- To eradicate all the suffering and affliction in the world through the blessings of this powerful zikr of Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW).
- To gain closeness and nearness to our glorious leader and Holy Prophet Sayyeduna Muhammad (SAW).
- To send the reward of this Durood Shareef to our Holy Prophet (SAW), his family and all the Muslims who have passed away globally.
- To make it a source of continuous charity (sadaqah jariyah) for all of us long after we have gone from this world.
Our cast iron promise:
- We will not use this site to ask you for any donations, collect any money or ask you for any money EVER!
- We will never ask you for any of your personal details. Whatever information you may divulge will be entirely on a voluntary basis.
- You can add your Durood Shareef anonymously if you wish without ever opening an account on the site.
Blessings of Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW) Zikr?
Illness said it was not going to leave.
But with the blessings of the Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW), it became embarrassed and fled.
Poverty said it is not going to go away.
But after the recitation of the Durood of Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW), it became ashamed and fled.
Ill fate said it is not going to go away.
But through the blessings of Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW) it fled too.
Our Master (SAW) is indeed Kareem.
Kareem is he who gives:
Whatever you ask of him.
Whenever you ask of him.
As much as you ask of him.
Gives more than you ask of him.
Gives all the time
and gives to all the people.

This site is dedicated to the whole Ummah of Rasoolullah Sallalaho Alayhi Wasallam and especially for you and your family. Thank you for taking the time to visit this website. May Allah Kareem give you endless happiness and pleasure in this world and the hereafter. Ameen!! We invite you to join us!
Be a part of our 10,000,000 strong exclusive global Muslim community who share a common goal to send Ten Million "Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW)" Durood Shareefs upon our Holy Prophet (SAW) every day.
To join us all you have to do is recite: "Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW)" a minimum of 100 times or more a day . It takes less than 2 seconds to recite once and less than 3 minutes to recite 100 times a day. It is that simple!!
99.9 families out of 100 suffer from stress and anxiety. To end the pandemic, suffering and stress throughout the world we have started a campaign to recite one billion
Durood Shareefs on our holy prophet (SAW) per day every day. We need 10,000,000 (one Crore) people to recite this Durood Shareef a minimum of 100 times a day every day and record it on this site. Can you join and invite others to join?
Please share:

Are you worried?
Are you worried about your health?
Are you worried about your job?
Are you worried about your financial situation?
Would you like a solution?
Yes, then start reading "Sayyeduna Kareemun Sallalaho-Alayhi-Wasallam" Durood Shareef immediately. Recite this Durood as much as you can and see miracles happen in your life. There is no limit to this zikr; recite as much as you can. The more you recite the better it is for you. You can recite it during the day, evening or at night. You can recite it whilst driving a car, sitting on a bus or collecting children from the mosque or the school. You can recite it all the time if you wish. You can also pass it on to other people. We request that once you establish this zikr then make it compulsory upon yourself to recite it every day until the last breath of your life. Do not abandon it ever. Inshallah with the barakah of this zikr, you will see your whole life will change for the better. You will receive endless happiness, respect, health and wealth both in this world and the hereafter inshallah!! May Allah give me and you taufeeq to recite this zikr profusely every day. Ameen!
We have a daily global target. Can we ask you to help us with our target?
Our Global Target
It is our target to send a minimum of over One Billion Durood Shareefs on to our Holy Prophet (SAW) globally EVERY DAY.

Sayyeduna Kareemun Sallalaho-Alayhi-Wasallam.
It is extremely easy to recite and it takes less than 2 seconds!
We need your help!
We are looking for people who can recite ...
100, 200, 300 ... 10,000 or more Duroods individually or collectively as a family every day.
How can you help?
You can help in any or all of the three ways.
- Choose and fix an amount of Durood Shareef you can recite yourself comfortably every day.
- Invite your family members and friends to do the same and so on ....
- Spread the word through mouth, e-mail, text messaging, facebook, twitter and social networking.