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In the frenzy of love for Hazoor-e-Aqdas (SAW) Hazrat Salman al-Farsi (RA) searched restlessly in the deserts of Arabia. For this same love Sayyeduna Bilal (RA) was laid down on the burning coals. Hazrat Khubayb (RA) was crucified. Hazrat Abu Jandal (RA) was shackled but never waivered from the truth, never waivered from this love. Hazrat Abu Zar Gaffari (RA) spoke the truth in the face of torture. And Hur (RA) gave his life in the favour of truth and love.
We are wholly indebted to our exalted prophet (SAW) for whom this world was created. O my master the perfect and the pure, may my soul be sacrificed for you. O Allah send thousands & thousands of praises and salutations on to our glorious leader and master, the blessed and the beautiful, the master of the universe, the pride of the creation, the leader of the prophets, the intercessor of the sinners, the blessing to the worlds, the generous and the gracious, the final and the last messenger, the solace for the hearts of true muslims, the beloved of the Lord of the worlds, the light of the seekers of truth, the lover of the devotees, our leader, our supporter, our messenger, our loved and beloved and the cherished Muhammad-al-Mustafa, Ahmad-al-Mujtaba, the unlettered Muhammad-ur-Rasoolallah (SAW).
The existence of everything in the universe is because of him (SAW). Had he (SAW) not been born there would have been nothing in this world. There would have been no heavens, no earth, no animals, no trees, no minerals, no rocks. Nothing. Absolutely nothing!!
Whenever the world was gripped by a crisis or is gripped by a crisis, it can only be overcome by the remembrance of the honour and the life of Rasoolallah (SAW). Indeed, the remembrance of the honour and the life of Rasoolallah (SAW) is a guaranteed solution for all the calamities and misfortunes in the world. Would Allah the Almighty, ever ignore the remembrance of His Habeeb (SAW)? No. Never! For whatever purpose the remembrance is undertaken it is always accepted and fulfilled.
Rasoolallah (SAW) is nur from Allah's nur and everything in the whole universe is from his (SAW) nur! The nur of the holy prophet (SAW), the mercy to the worlds, is reflected in everything of the universe. The blessings of the prophet (SAW), is prevalent all over the world and the whole of the universe can be accommodated in his (SAW) lap of blessings. There is no limit to the width and the depth and the lap of the blessings of Rasoolallah (SAW).
Allah Almighty, the King of Kings says, "You wish to please Me then please my Habeeb. To please My Habeeb is to please me and to love Him is to love Me. Whoever elevated My Habeeb's zikr he elevated My zikr and whoever elevated My zikr, I exalted him in both of the worlds. Allah says In My court, no action has greater acceptance than the zikr of my Habeeb. I am Rabbul Alameen and my Habeeb is Rahmatul Lilalameen. You beg at his door, you beg at my door, for his door is My door. He is my Habeeb. You want to reach to Me; you find my Habeeb's door for he is your Guide to My path.
A person said that once he was going to be chastised. No words came to him that he could speak of in his defence. He began trembling and in desperation he cried out: "Agisni ya Rasoolallah. Agisni ya Rasoolallah (SAW)! Help me ya Rasoolallah!. Help me ya Rasoolallah (SAW)!." He says in the time it took him to say these words, his condition changed immediately. Mashallah! Subhanullah!
Brothers & sisters our master, may our soul be sacrificed for Him (SAW) is the embodiment of majesty, beauty and perfection. May none of our deeds ever sadden our master, our comforter, Hazoor-e-Aqdas (SAW). Learn and understand this that every word of our speech and all of our actions are presented to him (SAW). Just think, what would come to pass on the sacred heart of Rasoolullah (SAW), the pride of all beings (SAW), when our deeds are presented to Him (SAW). My Shaikh Babaji Hazoor says I wish you had burnt to ashes in hell and became nothing rather than presenting such of your deeds to him (SAW).
O people it is the evening of our lives. Long shadows have been cast. The rooster has given its call. Our relationship with our breath is about to be broken. Wake up. Wake up from your slumber. Do not get trapped in the beauty of this world. It is all fake. It is all a deception. This world and everything it contains, is temporary and will end soon. Wake up. Wake up before it's too late. Shops around us are closing one by one. We have not yet bought what we have come to buy. This is the last call of the day. Wake up. Wake up now.
O my Master Sayyeduna Kareemun (SAW), may my soul be sacrificed for you, in your excellence is my comfort. In your excellence is our comfort. In your excellence is the comfort of the whole Universe. You are the solution to all of my problems. You are the solution to all of our problems. In your grandeur is my consolation. In your grandeur is our consolation ya Rasoolallah (SAW). When it comes to generosity, Ya Rasoolallah (SAW), you exceed all boundaries and distribute beyond all limits. Your court, Ya Rahmatul-lil-Alamin, is always open to everyone, it never closes. Your door is the key of mercy for the whole universe ya Rasoolallah (SAW). Oh our master, may our souls be sacrificed for you (SAW), nobody ever returns empty-handed from your court. Ya Rasooallah (SAW) we beseech you and we plead with you to accept us and to grant us with your one and everlasting look.
Ya Rasoolallah (SAW)! We have begged at every door in this world but have returned empty handed. Today we have come to your court, your door ya Rasoolallah (SAW). There is nothing left for us in this world except hope at your door Ya Rasoolallah (SAW)! You have never turned anyone away from your door Ya Rasoolullah (SAW). It would not befit your glory to turn anyone away Ya Rasoolallah (SAW). We humbly request and beg and ask that you answer our call today. You accept us and open the door of your mercy for all of us and shower us with your infinite blessings. Please accept us Ya Rasoolullah (SAW)! Please accept us Ya Rasoolullah (SAW)! May no one go empty handed from this site today? Ameen.
To Allah I say, Oh Allah! grant us the true obedience and the following of Your Habeeb (SAW). Oh Allah! grant us the true, pure and refined love for your sacred and beloved Habib Muhammad al Mustafa (SAW). Ameen, Summa Ameen!!